Saturday, February 22, 2014

Lilttle narrow one for the stm32f313v flight controller(V2)

This may be the last Eagle version for the controller. I do not think I did care more about the trace smoothness when I was layoutting, but it probably fitted there.
I deleted some useless thing such as the RTC emergency ridiculous battery instant substitutional voltage source. And of course I delete the big switch and reverse plug protection components and traces. I don't know. It probably the most useless part I 've ever seen.

GY-86 is probably not best choice but it is still a good choice. If you have ever seen the guy in the web using the Eight bit PIC and a IMU as a combination component. You will know that it is better that use a 8 bit microcontroller  to separate the task efficiently. I will  not do that because I am doing just a simple flight controller. It is enough to solve problems now by using just one 32 bit MCU.

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